
What results Foundations will give me?

1. Improved mobility helps you to fit more softly with horses movements and for example keep your leg long and relaxed around the horse. 

2. None of us is perfectly symmetrical, not you, us or our horses, but after Foundations you’re more symmetrical and the most important thing is that you can much quicker adjust and fix your position in the saddle because you have much better body control. 

3. You will feel a big difference in the way you are able to support your upper body position in the saddle. 

Most important thing is that with better body control you can really focus on the right things when riding and you don’t need to worry about the elbow that opens up to the side or the hips that tilt forward. Everything that comest to controlling your seat is way more easier opening up this new level of riding skill development. 

Home workout Foundations can be done without any equipment. For extra challenge we’d recommend small dumbbells and small pilates ball. 

For the Gym Foundations you need: cardio machine (bike or rower), barbell, light rubber band, two dumbbells and a kettlebell. 

Each week you will have 4 workouts. Two of them are more strength/body control focused, other two more mobility focused.  In the Gym Foundations you have two gym workouts per week and mobility / gentle body control workouts to do at home. 

Workouts are 10-60 minutes, typically around 20 minutes. Gym workouts are a bit longer, around 45-60min. 

In both programs there is also aerobic conditioning included because that build the very important base for your performance and recovery as a rider. 

Each week also has mindset tools regarding goal setting and recipes & inspiration for nutrition. 

You don’t need any experience to get started! Our Foundations program will help you learn all the basics you need. 

And it also has enough challenge for more experienced ones.

Workouts and programs are designed to fit into equestrian lifestyle, trust us, we know what it’s like combining riding and well, life. On average workouts are 20 minutes short. 

In the beginning we recommend what is called “habit stacking”= combining the new workout routine to something you already do on weekly basis. If it’s a pre-ride routine, do it at home in your breeches just before you go to the stables. If it’s a mobility routine, do it right after you come home before you go to shower / just before bed / before dinner etc. 

For the workouts we also recommend you to schedule time for the workout in your calendar. You may not always get it done and that’s fine too, but the likelihood to get it done is much higher when you reserved the time for it in the first place. 

We also like the saying – “your calendar shows your priorities”. If you want to see and feel the results you’re looking for faster, committing to creating new habits outside the saddle is like hopping to a fast line because not every rider is yet ready to do it. 

It’s life and no routine is 100% perfect all the time. Just get back on track with the next one.

4 short workouts / week is the base we can promise brings you visible results already in two weeks. 

In your registration 7-day free trial is included. You’re also free to cancel anytime during the trial if you feel like it. 

After Foundations it really starts what we dreamed all along when building Equestrain App. 

Really helping you as a rider to build process around your riding that allows you to progress faster than ever before. We’re coaching the next generation of equestrian athletes and with our industry-bending training program that turns riders into equestrian athletes.

We update you a new weekly schedule to follow year around to give you the best tools of sports performance world tailored 100% of your needs as a rider. In addition to new weekly schedule, we also upload a brand new workout video every single week around the year.  

You can also explore our workout library with over 100 different workouts and just filter through the library to find the ones you feel like you need the most.

 You can also dive deeper into our Life & Learn -series to find different masterclasses and document series about Equestrian athletic lifestyle and mindset.

No worries. You can totally use the workout library based on your feeling and filter workouts based on your need in the “search” page.

We recommend asking professional advice for you individually what kind of workouts are safe to do. We don’t yet have specific pre/post natal workouts.

Often riders come to use saying their PT workouts don’t always bring them visible and fast results in their riding if their PT doesn’t really understand riding as a sport.

If you’re a rider looking for progress, this is the *thing* you’re looking for to take your riding progress to the next level. 

Membership & billing

What does membership include?

Your membership includes:
Full access to Equestrain workout library
Full access to all Equstrain training programs
New workout every week
Mindset videos & tools
Nutrition tips & recipes

Yes, your membership automatically renews monthly or yearly based on which subscription you chose.

Yes. You can manage your subscription by going to your profile and click “subscription” line to change your order status. Your subscription continues until the day your payment period expires.

Note that it matters how you registered – here you can find clear instructions on how to cancel your subscription: 

Signed up in the Equestrain mobile App via Apple Pay or Google play:

1. Navigate to your phone settings
2. Click your Apple ID or Google Play profile where you can manage your subscriptions. 
3. Cancel your subscription there.

Signed up via web platform and using the Stripe check out:

1. Log in to web.equestrainapp.com platform. We recommend using laptop when using the web platform.
2. Click to your profile
3. Click manage subscription. This will open up the stripe subscription management and you can cancel your subscription there.

Unfortunately, we’re not able to offer refunds. If you’d like to discuss your membership, we’d love to hear from you via email at info@equestrainapp.com and we’ll help you out. 

Log into the App or Web platform and click left up corner and click “Plan upgrade”. 

Go to your profile in the App. Click ”order status” and the edit pencil at ”payment information” section. 

Click ”log in” and then ”Forgot password” to reset your password.