Hi, it's great to meet you.

If you dream of riding in 5* shows – or just have high ambitions general, you’ve come to the right place. 

You are not just looking for workouts. You're looking for progress as a rider.

We are not here only to tell you oh, this is a good movement or a good workout to improve your fitness. There’s plenty of that out there already. 

We believe, the true magic is in the connection between the workouts and our sport to truly help us riders to connect the dots when riding with our body, our seat and aids  – all the things that help us to find the harmony and flow when riding. 

We have seen the magic, the change the riders feel and see in their riding after only a few workouts when the workouts are actually tailored for them. And that is something every rider deserves to have an access to.


So, we plan workouts for riders..

But the riders we’ve worked with would tell you that *OUR MAGIC*is not just good workouts. It’s explaining the connection between the workout and your riding.

Meet Laura

LISTEN. I know what’s it’s like living equestrian life and feel like you don’t really have time or energy to do any workouts.

When I was a teenager, all I did was riding (literally, besides school). But now, I also have a business to run, life to life and also my goals to chase as a rider. 

A few years back I was forced to have a break from riding when I was studying sports physiotherapy and like any passionated and driven person would do, I channeled the drive I had for riding to other sports. 

I felt so freaking un-athletic and lost with my own body, but I found it fascinating to learn to know my body better. 

And the best part? It made a world changing difference in how I felt in the saddle when I returned to riding (and sharing my life with that gorgeous mare there in the picture). 

It was like a lightbulb moment. I had been riding for the past 17 years and now it was like someone had opened my eyes. It was so much easier to find more balanced seat, make progress and find that flow when riding — just simply because I knew and felt my own body so much better. 

And now I didn’t want to lose that feeling in the saddle, so I built a workout routine that didn’t take hours of my week or left my body feeling sore and stiff.

And I understood this is my way deep into this sport. 

Not as a top level rider, but as a top level coach who has the courage to challenge the way we see ourselves as athletes in this sport, to help those who want more, who want to reach their big goals and become better riders day after day with science based approach to performance and as someone who in the end of the day knows with every cell in her body how it feels when you’re one with your horse.

